Dark Tips

Video Games
Dark Tips & Scams

A dark tip is a piece of information that can, & may lead you to free "anything". It's on the border-line of "illegal". On this page, you're going to learn how to get things cheap or free. I would like to thank Kevin Rose for making this page possible. To watch Kevin's online Podcasts, visit revision3.com


Free Pizza:

You want some free pizza? well, I'm gonna tell you how to get it. What do you need? All you need to do is listen, speak, and keep a straight face. This is going to test your social engineering skills, heres what you do: wait outside of a pizza shop until you see some customers enter, you go in and pretend that your with them. Make sure you know what they ordered, and what the customer's name was. Go back home and call that pizza shop, get by the gatekeeper (the employee) and talk to the manager, this is where you need your imagination. Tell him that there was something wrong with the pizza and try to get a refund, he or she will probably ask your name and what you ordered, thats why you need to remember the info from before. There if you do this and become a master at it, you could get free pizza for life!


Free games:


Unlike the Dreamcast, to get free games for playstation, you need to have it modified with either a mod chip, or the modification disc. If you don't have a chip installed, you can go to www.easybuy2000.com or www.modchip.com to buy them, they're not that expensive, so don't forget about it just yet. Once you have it modified, you can either rent games and burn them with whatever burning rom you have...or get them totally free by downloading them from torrent sites. you need to download BitTorrent first, so go on Google and type in BitTorrent. Once you have it, you can now download torrents. Just go to a torrent site, and search for the game you are looking for then download them. To burn downloaded games, you need to have the CCD (Clone CD) burning program, you can also download that from torrent sites, but you need a key generator to get the serial number, or you can buy it at your local electronic store...but thats too legal isn't it? You need CDR discs to burn the games on. Please note that this works the same way on Dreamcast, but your Dreamcast does not need to be modified. At the bottom of this page is a list of torrent sites, enjoy!


To get free "old school" games is very simple, since they're not on discs, but cartriges they can be backed up onto your computer, so they're easy to download, you just need to get the emulator for each console you want to use, please note that you will not be playing the games on your consoles, but on your PC. Go to a torrent site and when searching, type in the emulator you're looking for (ex: snes emulator) and download it. Now, you need the games, you can search for each game you want individualy or in a bundle, just type in the name of the console and then roms (ex: snes roms), and there you go, free "old School" games.


Xbox/Xbox 360/PS2/PS3-

To get free Xbox or Playstion 2 games, you're going to need a modification chip, which you can perchase at www.easybuy2000.com, or www.modchip.com, they're not too expensive, although the Xbox ones are not too cheap either. You can download the instructions on how to install them from one of those websites. For Xbox, you can either burn them, or back them up onto your hard drive, but you would need to buy a new hard drive, the most amount of space the Xbox can use is 160Gb, which can hold about 50-60 games, you just rent them, pop them in, and find the back-up button. To burn them, your going to need a dvd burner, and BitTorrent, go download a game from a torrent site, and burn it onto a DVD+R using Nero, or CopyToDVD. The PS2 mod is the same except you can't put them onto your PS2, unless you have the large version you can buy a software from your local electronics store, called HD Loader, after you install it, it unlocks the hard drive of the PS2, and you can just back-up games onto your PS2, and its totally legal. If you have the small version, you cannot do this.

Torrent Sites


The Pirate Bay

Torrent Spy

Mega Nova
